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For Lazy Buyers and Brokers

Here you can find the fraud warnings from Gazpromneft, Rosneft and Lukoil. These companies provide full information about scammers' tactics, scam websites, and documents. Here you can also find "dos and don'ts" when dealing with potential scammers.

Gazprom Neft

Gazprom Neft hereby warns everyone against any deals with dishonest market players who are trying to sell petroleum products by sending out fake offers via the Internet or e-mail on behalf of Gazprom Neft or its affiliated companies.

  • Gazprom Neft Group of companies send their e-mails only from their corporate servers and never use public e-mail domains.

Gazprom Neft and its subsidiaries never establish contractual relationships, or give any product supply guarantees, via the Internet or e-mail.
  • Gazprom Neft never requires future contracts to be registered with any ministries or governmental agencies of the Russian Federation because there is no such legal requirement in Russian law.

How to Recognize Typical Fraudulent Schemes. Recommendations.

Gazprom Neft warns you that there may be attempts to use its corporate name, or the names of its subsidiaries or employees for fraudulent purposes. There are certain signs you should be looking for in order to protect your money and personal data from fraudsters:

  1. You get an e-mail offering you to buy petroleum products from Gazprom Neft or its subsidiaries. There may be an attachment containing a draft contract or an ICPO form with a bank reference template.

  2. Terms of the proposed deal look significantly different from the market average: you are offered to buy a very big amount of petroleum products (sometimes even more than Gazprom Neft can actually produce) at a very attractive price.

  3. You are requested to pay upfront, before the contract is signed, for some services related, for instance, to the issuance of documents (visas, invitations, permits, approvals, etc.) needed to have the contract legalized or activated by the Russian authorities (note: no such procedure is required by the Russian law), compensate for transportation tariffs, or arrange your delegation’s visit to Russia allegedly for a meeting at Gazprom Neft headquarters to sign the contract (Table Talk Meeting — ТТМ), and so on.

  4. The fraudsters give you a private person’s bank account for the funds' transfer.

Gazprom Neft and its subsidiaries never send or initiate such offers, or provide product supply guarantees, via the Internet or e-mail, nor do we authorize any third parties to do so for us.

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It has come to our attention that certain parties have begun using Rosneft's name and business reputation as the basis for their attempts at fraud. Generally, the fraudsters offer to set up a partnership with the company, promising outstanding business growth and returns in a very short timeframe and with only a minor investment.

Some of these offers have begun to appear on the Internet. Typically these are offers to broker contracts in exchange for an upfront fee. To create the illusion of affiliation with Rosneft, these offers often contain links to the Rosneft corporate site and provide our contact details, even to the extent of using personal contact details for Rosneft's management.

These offers and announcements are in no way associated with Rosneft.

Rosneft only sets up partnerships in person with representatives from partner organizations. We do not communicate or offer guarantees to counterparties in documents sent by email.

To avoid any financial loss, please lookout for the signs of fraud listed below. You may be dealing with fraudsters if:

  1. You receive an emailed offer to partner with Rosneft or its subsidiaries. Email attachments may include a draft contract or sample purchase order (ICPO) and bank reference. Rosneft and its subsidiaries do not send out this kind of offer and do not offer supply guarantees over the Internet or by email nor do they grant such powers to third parties.

  2. You are offered better than market conditions and a significant profit.

  3. Before officially signing the contract, you are asked to transfer money to cover certain services, such as handling some form of paperwork (visas, invitations, permits), contract authentication or activation with state bodies or ministries (n.b. this is not required by Russian legislation), covering transportation fees or organizing a trip for a delegation from your company to visit Russia for a supposed meeting in the Moscow Rosneft office to sign the contract (Table Talk Meeting — ТТМ), etc.

If you receive a business proposal from any companies with a domain name similar to Rosneft's or those of its subsidiaries or if you have any doubts about deals planned with our company, please contact Rosneft and security services in line with Russian legislation.

Rosneft highly recommends that you ignore any suspicious business proposals. On no account should you transfer any money. Examine business proposals carefully and do not transfer money to anyone.

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PJSC LUKOIL draws the attention of all interested parties to the facts of the distribution on the Internet of commercial offers, information about vacancies and other fake documents allegedly on behalf of the Company.

Also, in connection with the frequent cases of discovering sites, accounts, and pages on social networks that illegally use the corporate identity, trademark, and logo of the Company and are not related to the LUKOIL Group, we remind you of the need to exercise caution and check any information with official resources via (Russian version) and (English version).

PJSC LUKOIL is not responsible for undesirable consequences that may arise as a result of using information from unverified sources.

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